About Megan
Are you ready to feel more confident? Do you need to hit pause and do something nice for yourself? Do you need to blow off some steam with friends & sip a little?...
...I did too, which is why I started instructing Paint & Sips with Painting on the Rocks (the original St Louis Chapter of the business). My bestie from college, owner, Brittany Halaska & I have been friends since we attended University of Missouri in St Louis for Art Teacher School. The market was experiencing a recession at the time and about the time we graduated, districts were tight with the purse strings and Art Teacher jobs were extremely coveted. I went on to teach in a public school, Brittany didn't.
I watched her trial and error to find where she belongs and she knew she could keep teaching art. So she started having workshops in her home for fun to teach friends and family a step-by-step painting and that is how the traveling art party business was born! I too had some career trial and error and when Brittany needed some help instructing paint party events, I agreed to help. Never did I anticipate it would mend a broken heart!
My dad was a big influence in my artmaking over the years. He funded so many supplies and classes and of course there was that student loan... He always believed in me. So, when he took his last breath on this earth, something inside me broke and artmaking became excruciatingly painful. I remember trying to complete a commission for a friends baby's nursery and just sobbed the whole time I painted.
But it was DIFFERENT when I was helping others find time to take care of their mental health through art parties. I felt so much joy showing people they can paint like a trained artist if they just watch, listen, & try. And along the way, we get to put our problems in a cubby where they don't exist in art time... and just experience paint, texture, color, laughter, & watch your skills build!
The best part of the job is meeting people where they are comfortable already. I do events in-home & in public ticketed events for venues all over Jefferson County, MO. I got to meet the most interesting people and watch them grow emotionally through artmaking, the same way I did.
So, yes you'll go home with a lovely painting, but for me, this is BIGGER, than that! It is about sharing a gift God gave me and when you paint with me, you help me fulfill my purpose on this planet! 🖼️