At Painting on the Rocks, we make hundreds of paintings a year between paintings with guests, examples, & ideas that never went forward. They were piling up... and we knew there had to be a way to put them to good use!
For every painting auction paid for, 90% will go to the Cancer Research (the other 10% to cover fees and packing). Thank you for partnering with us on this cause!
Why our team chose this organization:
Stacey "I watched my young healthy grandpa turn into a skeleton. He lost his battle to lung cancer. Then serval years later my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer that eventually turned into metastatic cancer, it spread to her lungs, liver, and bones. She lost her battle 9/15/19. Cancer research is crucial, we need to find a cure. Too many people lose their lives everyday, and I’m tired of it. F**k Cancer!"
Brittany "Personally, I have lost loved ones to cancer and witnessed the battles their families experience during the fight. As a business, we have endured the loss of several customers.
Mary Grace "Many of my family members have been diagnosed with cancer & have triumphed. Unfortunately, my dear grandpa, who I never got to make memories with, lost his battle. I hope Cancer Research finds a cure so that all grandchildren can hear their grandparents stories first hand."
Natalie "My mom had uterine cancer and my dad had prostrate cancer, so it hits close to home. We have known many family and friends that have had cancer in their lives. Some are still here and some went to there heavenly home. It is a horrible thing and I pray they find a cure soon. To many lives have been lost to this."
Leah "I have lost more friends and family to cancer than I can count these days. Since as far back as I can remember it has affected my life. Starting with both of my Grandfathers within a five year time frame. I just recently lost a friend I worked every day with for five years to breast cancer. I know I’m not cut out to find a cure personally, but I will support the smart ones in Cancer Research who WILL find a cure. We will win!"
Megan "I was devastated when my father was diagnosed with advanced stage esophageal cancer in 2017. He lost his battle about 13 months later. Cancer research is close to my heart. With more research, the fewer families have to lose a father to this horrible disease."
We hope that you'll consider a donation to this worthy cause and spread cheer through art this holiday season! START SHOPPING HERE

About Cancer Research Institute

Source: CancerResearch.Org